Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Going Green Wednesday: How We're Reducing Our Waste

If you're a frequent reader of our blog you may have noticed, over the past few weeks, we have sort of dedicated Wednesday's to issues regarding the environment and "Going Green". This week I want to share with you how we here at Nidasii are trying to reduce our carbon foot print. As an indie company being green or going green is a challenge and while we have not declared ourselves a "green" company we are constantly thinking of ways to lessen our carbon footprint. For starters, all of our products are packaged in recyled plastic containers. These days plastic is definetly an ugly word but we recently started posting a little note asking our wonderful customers to please recycle just beneath our thank you note. The second most important thing we do is use shredded paper to package our products.

How are you reducuing your carbon footprint? Please share your tips and ideas we would love to hear from you!!

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